Abstract Submission Deadline: CLOSED
Early Bird Registration Deadline: CLOSED
Accommodation Deadline: CLOSED
Standard Registration Deadline: CLOSED
Abstract Submission Deadline: CLOSED
Early Bird Registration Deadline: CLOSED
Accommodation Deadline: CLOSED
Standard Registration Deadline: CLOSED
ASHM is excited to announce the International HIV Coinfection + Viral Hepatitis Elimination Conference will be taking place in Brisbane, Australia ahead of IAS 2023.
The theme of the conference is Innovation informing implementation.
Recent years have seen transformative therapeutic developments for hepatitis C that have driven an ambitious agenda towards global hepatitis C elimination. Many countries have made initial advances in treating hepatitis C in those already engaged in care, and in some micro-populations, including people living with HIV. Despite this early success, declining hepatitis C treatment rates mean that achieving the WHO elimination goals by 2030 seems increasingly out of reach and new initiatives aimed at reaching those still untreated are required.
In the field of hepatitis B different challenges exist. Without an effective cure, diagnosis of chronic hepatitis B and maintaining people in care remains a challenge. For those with chronic hepatitis B, who to treat with existing highly effective antivirals remains contentious, particularly the concept of “treat all.” Therapeutic advances towards HBV cure continue, yet models for the use of novel agents are unclear and ensuring global equity will be a major barrier. Additional controversy exists around broadened screening strategies towards universal one-off testing for both HBV and HCV.
While viral hepatitis and HIV coinfection comes with significantly greater risk of morbidity and mortality compared to mono-infections, integrated models of care and prevention also provide substantive intervention opportunities. With ongoing advances in diagnostics, education, and therapeutics for hepatitis C and hepatitis B, the focus of this meeting is to explore and share innovative strategies and approaches that can be utilised to advance the field and ensure progress towards global elimination of hepatitis C and B.